Picture Windows

Most types of windows operate one way or another but not picture windows. As the name implies, the purpose of picture windows is to frame the view so you can enjoy it to the fullest from inside your home. These windows are fixed, so they don’t have any operating constraints. That means they can come in larger sizes than most other windows.


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Choose From Our Energy-Efficient Glass Options

With Zen Windows, you get peace of mind because every window we install is energy-efficient. We won’t sell inferior windows for one simple reason: They will cost our customers more in the long run because of higher energy bills.

Even our most modestly priced windows have a sophisticated, double-insulating solar low-E glass system. This solar low-E system incorporates double-strength glass, a high-performance low-E coating, a stainless steel Intercept™ spacer system, and argon gas. This superior blend of technologies is our most basic option — you can upgrade from there.